e3 Project – Anywhere, Anytime Learning

Since the 100 Learner Launch, it has been a whirlwind of a month at the e3 partnership, as the Outreach teams have worked to sign up new learners.  Over the last month, we have had the opportunity to host introductory sessions for learners on how the TecBooks work at various locations across London.  These ‘Introduction to your TecBook’ events have been attended by over 150 people to date.

Sahra Hoosh, one of our star learners, has already completed the 24 “London is Home” episodes and is keen to move on to the second phase as part of the Economic stream where she will be learning how to set up her own market stall as part of an “Advanced e3 Learners Group”.

At this important halfway recruitment point on Monday the e3 Outreach and Recruitment Sub-Group reviewed the distribution so far to learn lessons and improve the remaining distribution process.  We also agreed a secondary Outreach Technique where initial e3 Learners will be recruited as “Peer-2-Peer Ambassadors” to engage more distant or hidden potential learners.  The partners also adopted a partnership-wide e3 Outreach and Engagement model to ensure consistency and maximise reach. Finally the arrangements for embedding the CRM system across the partnership in active use were finalised and initial training has been delivered.

As the project continues to grow, we are continually surprised by the level of engagement this style of learning has generated and have received positive feedback from learners.

FIRST PUBLISHED ON: http://learnenglish-communities.tumblr.com/

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